Sunday 4 January 2009


Just before the tree comes down, and the cards are binned, and 2009 is given a good hard stare, we see what Santa left under our tree. This is a Fly Classic Ford GT40 (Bucknum/Whitmore) slot racer, found on e-bay, arrived Christmas Eve. Fibonacci Minor assumed immediate control of this car, and quickly got its measure. It goes like stink. We have other cars in our collection, many of them. I think I'm supposed to keep them mint, boxed and un-raced but for what? Cars are meant to be driven, toys to be played with, and Fib Jnr and I raced good and hard throughout Christmas, the track taking up the entire living room floor. Few things are as painful under bare foot than a sharp, plastic, track support piece. Few things are as much fun as a 1/32nd battle fought and lost with your 11 year old son.


Vinogirl said...

That sounds like so much fun.
Happy New Year.

Jon Dudley said...

That's what Christmas is about...being able to re-vist one's own childhood. Just for the record I was given a nano helicopter and a white van-man police chase game by neice and 3rd son respectively...they clearly have my measure. I covet the GT40 and remember seeing the real things racing (don't I?) in the Guards 500 at Brands one thousand five hundred years ago. Scalectrix is high on my list of prorities for grandson numero uno

Peter Ashley said...

Santa does exist doesn't he Fred? Fred?

Fred Fibonacci said...

Yes Peter, Santa is as real as you or I.

Jon; GT40s woke us all up at the Classic Le Mans meet four years ago. Fantastic, thunderous, brilliantly good; and so low you had to go right up to the fence to see them whizzing past the Armco. Drool, drool.